UK Tax Strategy

This UK tax strategy has been published to satisfy the requirements of Schedule 19 of the UK Finance Act 2016 in respect of the entities and financial years listed in Appendix 1 (the “UK companies”). It has been approved by the UK companies’ respective boards of directors.


Trilogy is a comprehensive business platform, driving hundreds of software companies to become more efficient and profitable by streamlining business functions from development to product management and R&D – managed by the top 1% of global tech talent worldwide.

Trilogy’s UK companies are engaged in the development, sale and distribution of software, and software consultancy.

Approach to risk management and governance arrangements in relation to UK taxation, including tax risk appetite

The UK companies are relatively small in the context of the Trilogy group, and their tax affairs are not complex.

Day to day responsibility for tax compliance rests with the UK company Financial Controllers with support from the group’s Tax Operations team, led by the Director of Tax & Compliance. External tax advisers are engaged to provide UK tax compliance support and to assist in the identification of any risks to UK tax compliance, including risks arising from legislative change.

The Tax Operations team are responsible for identifying any UK tax risks arising from significant transactions or business changes which impact the UK companies, and putting in place appropriate mitigation, typically with the support of external tax advisers.

The Trilogy CFO is ultimately accountable for the tax affairs of the UK companies. The Director of Tax & Compliance meets with the CFO regularly to discuss tax risks including, where required, risks relating to UK taxation.

Attitude to tax planning

Trilogy has a commitment to responsible and ethical behavior, as detailed in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Tax planning is only undertaken in response to commercial business transactions.

The advice of qualified external tax advisers is sought in situations where the application of tax legislation is unclear, or where it is apparent that there is a knowledge or resource gap. All external tax advice received is reviewed by the Director of Tax & Compliance for its compliance with the tax risk appetite, and any material tax advice is discussed and agreed with the CFO.

Intercompany transactions between the UK companies and other Trilogy group companies are conducted on an arm’s length basis, in line with OECD principles, and supported by third party benchmarking data.

Tax risk appetite

Integrity is at the heart of Trilogy’s success, and as such the group are committed to comply with all applicable laws, including UK tax legislation.

The UK companies therefore have a low appetite for tax risk, and the focus is on seeking to comply with all applicable tax laws.

Approach towards dealings with HMRC

The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics requires the UK companies to treat customers, business allies and suppliers fairly, and this applies equally to the approach to engaging with HMRC.

Any queries from HMRC are responded to promptly and fully, with the objective to demonstrate transparency and establish mutual trust.

Where there is any uncertainty as to the application of UK tax law qualified external tax advisers are engaged.

Date of publication: 8 March 2022

Appendix 1 – UK companies

Qualifying company name/ sub-group headPublished to comply with the duty under the following paragraph of Finance Act 2016For financial year ended
Artemis International Corporation Limited22(2)30 June 2022
Avolin UK Limited22(2)31 December 2021
Computron Software Limited22(2)31 December 2021
GFI Software Limited19(2)31 December 2021
Jive Software Limited22(2)31 December 2021
Kayako Limited22(2)30 September 2022
North Plains (UK) Limited19(2)31 December 2021
Volt Delta International Limited19(2)31 December 2021